Ravenna, A Poetry Written With Mosaics.

It was totally unexpected that I got a chance to travel to Italy in 2017. And, the most exciting part was that it was the first ever solo trip of my life. After an adventurous journey across the oceans and continents, I reached my destination which was an unknown corner for me in the map of Italy, a small but beautiful seaside town called Misano Adriatico which is located in the Province of Rimini in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna. Even if it was a solo and my first international trip, I would say that it was the most unplanned travel I have ever had, as the primary purpose of the travel was academic and I was in a hurry making all the arrangements. All I had in my mind were the visits to the cities of Florence, Rome and Vatican, the must-visit destinations included in every travel itineraries to Italy. While we were approaching the first weekend, some of our faculty members gave us an insight about the nearby places for the weekend getaway, encouraging us to explore the places and utilise the opportunity to the maximum. That's how I heard about the mosaic beauty, Ravenna for the first time. I made up my mind to go to Ravenna along with some of my friends from the workshop. The train journey was almost an hour from Misano (80Kms Approx.) and in that first journey itself, we were fined, paying some extra euros for taking tickets on the train. (Thanks to the malfunctioned ticket vending machine at the station!) The conversion of the Euros to Indian rupees seriously gave me a heartache, but Ravenna had everything for me not to remember about the money loss.

Ravenna is a city in Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, known for the colourful mosaics adorning many of its central buildings. It was the capital city of the Western Roman Empire from 402 AD until the empire collapsed in AD 476. It then served as the capital of the Kingdom of the Ostrogoths until it was re-conquered in AD 540 by the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire. It is known for its well-preserved late Roman and Byzantine architecture and has eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The first sight and I had fallen in love with this place.
Entering the main city centre of Ravenna
From the Street Market

Meet, any variety you want.
The first glance of architecture.
Look around and all you see is architecture and slice of blue sky.
   Mausoleum of Galla Placidia: 

 The monument is known for its beautiful mosaic interiors and its depictions. The history of the Mausoleum can be read here. 

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
Entering the Monument.
The famous mosaic work titled, "Garden of Eden"
The ceiling.
The mosaic work titled, "The Good Shepherd".
The light enters through the alabaster windows.
The traces of ancient everywhere.

Basilica San Di Vitale:
The Basilica built in AD 547 is one of the aptest examples of early Christian and Byzantine architectures in Europe. To know more,

Basilica of San Vitale
The first view.

Triumphal arch mosaics of Jesus Christ and the Apostles.
Zoom in.
The click for which I literally lied down on the floor amidst the visitors!

The amazing architecture utilizing the natural light.

The other side of the Basilica San Di Vitale.

Casa Del Mutilato di Guerra:

The Fascist Architecture which stands amidst all the other architecture, constructed during the rule of Benito Mussolini, Casa Del Mutilato di Guerra (Soldiers Mutilated and Invalid from War). The building design was commissioned from Camillo Guerra. A monument from the Second World War.

Casa Del Mutilato di Guerra

Every corner, you find a church.
The windows, doors and colours!

The Cross Roads.

The Tomb of Dante:
Durante degli Alighieri, very much known as Dante the author of "Divine Comedy" rests here. More about Dante and his tomb, here's the link. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_of_Dante>

When found Dante as a surprise!

His bones were held at this mound from 1944 to 1945.
The Tomb of Dante, a Neo-Classical National Monument built over the tomb of Dante. 
In memory of Dante.
A sneak-peek to the prohibited.

Random art depictions everywhere.

Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo (504 A.D):
Tha basilica is known for its rich depictions with a fusion of western and eastern architecture of 5th and 6th Century A.D. 

Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo.
Both sides and the ceilings are filled with the mosaic depictions of apostles and saints.

The mosaic depiction of Apostles and Saints.

The Bapistry of Neon:
This is supposed to be the most ancient monument in the city. The ceiling has a mosaic depiction which is of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. The centre is surrounded by the mosaic images of apostles.  For knowing more,
Inside the Bapistry of Neon.
The utilization of natural light is an amazing feature of the architecture.
The intrinsic work of sculpture inside the altar of a Basilica.

Famous or not, each and every church have a long history in this city and the depiction of art and sculpture is just mindblowing.

Adieu, Ravenna! Hoping to see you sometime.

In a day-long expedition through the ancient city, we tried to cover as much as we could as you have seen above. Briefing a city with a rich history in a small write-up and selected photos never do justice to the place. This is just a pinch of inspiration to all of you who travel to that part of the world to go and experience the exceptional mosaic artworks which are centuries old. It's always better to chuck some of those big cities for these smaller destinations. Cheers! :)

P.S: Please go through the provided links, for additional information. 


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